Behind The Scenes With A Placenta Remedy Specialist

Placenta Remedy Specialist...

It’s a title that often brings bewildered and confused looks from those around as they try to figure out exactly what our job entails.  Have you ever wondered what a Placenta Remedy Specialist gets up to?  Well, you don’t have to wonder any more!


Follow along with me as I take you on a typical journey from collecting a placenta to returning the remedies...


-Morning comes, and I wake up at 7:00am like any other regular day.  I have been in the on call mode for a few weeks already awaiting the arrival of another precious soul earth side.  I’ve had no word overnight and nothing so far, so I proceed to go about my usual morning routines but with the feeling that it won't be long now.  


-At 8:00am, I look and see a message: 

"We are ready for pick up. " 


-Suddenly the whole morning changes, I make calls to shift other appointments back a bit that morning so that I can get there as quickly as I can and make my way over to one of the local Nottinghamshire hospitals.


-I manage to meet dad to collect the placenta and paperwork when baby is barely 2 hours old.


-Back home, I clean and prep my workspace and get my dehydrator warming up to the correct temperature.


-Now comes to exciting part:

inspecting the placenta.  Each one is as unique as the baby it entered the world with. 

Cool fact of the day:  Did you know that, unless you or your baby has a monozygotic twin, there is nothing else in this world apart from your placenta that is genetically identical to you?!  How amazing is that?  No wonder that it is often called "little twin" in some cultures.  



-I lay it out and marvel at its beauty, the job that it has done and the job it is about to do still.  The energy each one emits is absolutely phenomenal.  Do not let anyone tell you this this organ is waste or merely a by-product of birth.  It deserves a great deal of respect.

Sarah Marsden of Sacred Beginnings Birth Services carefully inspects a placenta before making Placenta Remedies for a Nottinghamshire mum.



-After ensuring that the placenta smells and looks fine I begin to make the remedies.  


This time we are making simple placenta pills.  


-The placenta gets sliced thin and placed into the dehydrator where it goes through a dehydrating process for the next 14-16 hours.  


-Hygiene and safety are paramount, so everything gets cleaned down again.

Hygiene is very important to Sarah Marsden of Sacred Beginnings Birth Services for the safe preparation of Placenta Remedies



I keep a check on it throughout the process and begin timing when the dehydrator has reached 70 degrees celcius again.  

Sarah Marsden of Sacred Beginnings Birth Services in Nottinghamshire keeps a close eye on the dehydrating placenta.



The following day.


-After cleaning the area again, it is now time to ensure that the placenta has fully dehydrated.  I don my very fetching gear again including hair net and face mask.  I test each piece listening out for a *snap* sound like that of finely tempered chocolate.  


-Into the blender it goes to get ground down to a fine powder.  

Sarah Marsden decants the ground up placenta ready to be made into placenta pills for a mum in Derbyshire


Now we are ready to create these healing and nourishing pills.  


-I spend the next few hours lovingly filling the empty capsules with the goodness from the placenta.  

Sarah Marsden of Sacred Beginnings Birth Services lovingly fills empty capsules while making placenta remedies for a mother in Chesterfield.


-I count each batch, recording how many capsules came out whole and how many, if any, decided not to form a tablet.  As you can see in this image there was one tablet from this batch that refused to close.

Sarah Marsden carefully counts out the Simple Placenta Pills that she has created in Sutton-In-Ashfield



-All the tablets then get put into their jar, labelled with the date and number of pills it holds and neatly packaged up to return to the mother with well wishes and healing thoughts for a wonderfully nurturing post-partum journey.  



We are at the end of our whistle stop tour of a behind the scenes look at my life when I create placenta remedies.  I hope you have enjoyed this brief insight, and I can’t wait to create some amazing remedies for you soon.  Be sure to contact me if you're interested in Placenta Remedies or any other services that I offer.  I can't wait to chat with you.